Don't Get Fooled: How to Identify Counterfeit Anime Goods

Counterfeit or bootleg anime goods are becoming an increasingly concerning issue as the market is being flooded with low-quality, unlicensed goods and imitations. For newcomers to the hobby, avoiding counterfeits can be challenging, and it can be disheartening to realize that the first figure you bought was a cheap knock-off. That's why we're here to help you learn what to look out for and equip you with the knowledge necessary to spot counterfeits.

What can I do to avoid counterfeits?

  • Research! Before buying, research the official product and the manufacturer. Check the packaging, design, and materials used. Be familiar with the product to easily spot any discrepancies.

  • Price check! If the price of the figure is too good to be true, then it probably is. Authentic figures are typically sold at the manufacturer's suggested retail price or higher. Counterfeit figures are often priced lower to attract buyers.

  • Check the packaging! Look for any discrepancies in the packaging. The packaging should have the manufacturer's logo, a barcode, and product information such as size and materials. Check for spelling errors, low-quality printing, and missing details.

  • Examine closely! Examine the item closely, look for any discrepancies in the design, painting, and quality of the material. Authentic goods like figures have detailed and precise paintwork. Look for any bubbles, smudges, or unevenness in the paint job or material.

  • Check for logos and trademarks! Look for the manufacturer's logo and trademark. Check for any inconsistencies in the logo and trademark. Counterfeits may have poorly printed or different logos and trademarks to avoid trademark infringement.

  • Buy from a reputable store! Common places counterfeits are sold are online marketplaces like Trademe or Facebook, conventions or dropshipping stores. The best way to ensure that you are buying authentic goods is to buy from a reputable store or seller. Research and read reviews from previous buyers. For example, Otakumart is a recognized Good Smile Partner Shop and we have a large number of customer reviews.

By following these tips, you can avoid buying counterfeits and ensure that you are getting an authentic product.

Problems with Counterfeits:

Buying or selling counterfeit goods is looked down upon for several reasons:

  • Supporting illegal activity: Counterfeit figures are produced without permission from the original creators or license holders. By purchasing counterfeits you are supporting an illegal industry that often involves intellectual property theft and other illegal activities.

  • Inferior quality: Counterfeits are often produced with lower quality materials and production methods compared to authentic goods. This can result in poor craftsmanship, lower durability, and a less satisfying overall experience.

  • No regulation: Counterfeit goods are dangerous because they are not regulated and often use toxic and low-quality materials that can be harmful. These materials can pose health risks to both the people who make them and those who buy and use them. Many counterfeit figures are made with PVC, a common plastic used in the manufacturing of legitimate figures. However, some counterfeiters use lower quality PVC that can contain harmful chemicals such as lead, cadmium, and phthalates. These chemicals can be toxic and pose serious health risks.

  • Disrespecting the original creators: By purchasing counterfeit figures, you are not supporting the original creators of the IP. Instead, you are supporting a counterfeit industry that does not contribute to the continued growth and success of your favourite series. Counterfeit prints such as posters or tapestries tend to use stolen artwork (often fan art) as well.

Overall, buying or selling counterfeits is not only illegal but also harmful to the industry. It is important to support legitimate creators and producers by purchasing authentic merchandise.
