Lockdown Update

Greetings! We hope everyone has been safe in their bubbles as we’ve been trudging through this lockdown!

We’ve made it past the half way mark and despite a rocky start, the confusion is clearing and we’re seeing less and less cases of the virus. Hopefully this crisis will be well behind us soon enough.

Despite our risk management on site and best efforts in dealing with the government, we’ve still not gained any form of green light to resume service and will likely be required to remain closed for the entire lockdown period. We’ve had inquires regarding our ability to process/ship orders claiming that many other online stores are; unfortunately from what we’ve been told by the government, the vast majority of these stores are just flouting the rules/grey areas due to them being mostly self enforced. As damaging as this crisis is for our business (and as much as we’d like to get your orders shipped out!), we remain dedicated to the cause and will not reopen until we’re given the all clear.

As many of you will be aware by now, a lot of our pre-orders and restocks have been delayed. We’re still getting in touch with everyone directly regarding their pending orders and updating product details as we receive better information.

Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience here. We encourage anyone to get in touch with us if there is anything we can help with.

Thank you for sticking with us during these troubling times! All the best & stay safe!

~ Otakumart Team

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