Update: Movement to Level 3

Hello everyone!

Well, we’ve successfully made it through another week in lockdown and as many of you will be aware, the government has today announced that we will be moving into level 3 next Monday at 11:59pm.

While we will still effectively be in lockdown during level 3, it does mean many more businesses, including Otakumart, can resume operations! There are restrictions and guidelines that must be followed but as we had already implemented our Covid risk management systems pre-level 4, there will be no delay for us to re-open, and we will return to work in the early hours of Tuesday (28/04).

Over the past week, we’ve had massive influxes of orders and while we will do our utmost to get as many as we can out with our courier on Tuesday, we expect some to overflow to Wednesday. It is also expected that courier services will be experiencing high volume and delays. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

In regards to new stock, pre-orders, and restocks, we are yet to receive any further information from our international suppliers on when they can resume trade but we will continue to keep you all updated.

As always, we encourage anyone to get in touch if there is anything we can help with.

Stay safe & take care everyone!

~Otakumart Team

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