Abyss Rising - Booster Pack (1st Edition)

Yu-Gi-Oh!SKU: ygos-402-N

Title: New
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Set: Abyss Rising Sealed
Release Date: 2012-11-09
At the ocean floor, thousands of feet beneath the surface, lies the Abyss – a region of total darkness and unexplored mysteries that covers most of the Earth. Here, among the giant squid and other sea monsters, swim mermaids and mermen, untroubled by the world above.

But now, this great nation is rising to the surface – to fight for you in your Duels! And when it’s time to fight, these lords and ladies of the deep will strap on their chainmail armor, and march into battle as the heavily-armored Mermails of the Abyss!

• Each booster pack contains 9 randomly inserted game cards (1st Edition)

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Packed Dimensions: 0.015 kg -

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