Divine Dragon Titanomakhia [DIFO-EN027] Common

Yu-Gi-Oh!SKU: DIFO-EN027-EN-1E-1

Title: Near Mint 1st Edition
Sale price$0.25
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Set: Dimension Force
Card type: Effect Monster
Rarity: Common
Attack: 3000
Defense: 2000
This Special Summoned card cannot be destroyed by battle. You can only use each of the following effects of "Divine Dragon Titanomakhia" once per turn. You can banish 3 "Divine Dragon Titanomakhia" from your GY and/or face-up Monster Zone, including this card on the field; destroy all cards your opponent controls. During the End Phase: You can send cards from the top of your Deck to the GY, equal to the number of Dragon monsters you control.

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